GHSAG e.V. is the first Association in Germany to file a demonstration against the Ghana Embassy in Berlin –The reason was the increase of the Ghanaian Renunciation fees and other fees from the Parliament of
Ghana from 2nd September, 2013, fees of 200,- to 400,-Euro
after serving letters and calls of Petition from 2014 till September 2015 – without success.

September 2015 GHSAG filed a Demo against the Mission. In March 2016 GHSAG received a letter from the Mission for a Meeting.

On the 8th. April 2016 in Berlin – GHSAG with UGAG & NEC with all the other Associations in Germany met H.E. Akua Sena Dansua,
Ghana Ambassador to Germany at the Mission with her team. The meeting took six hours – with a peaceful result –
We finally achieved our goal as the Mission reduced the Renunciation fees of
400-, again to 200-, Euros from 1st. June, 2016 –
GHSAG cancelled the demonstration against the Mission.
We thank God for His Mercy on us all.


GHSAG e.V. Executives Members


The Founder and Chairman

Samuel Boakye

Vic Chairman

Love Kolman

General Organizer

Christina Knockler

Executive Member& Auditor

Kate Bekoe

Saarland Organizer